Barnstormer * Poet * Entrepreneur
Norman A. Geisler, a young farm boy who made his mark on the world and left a legacy of adventure for his children to discover, was featured on Norman Vincent Peale’s radio show, The American Character. The program recognized Americans who succeeded in spite of difficult circumstances and ended the story about my father with this statement, “Four-thousand-six-hundred volts couldn’t stop this man from Oxford, Michigan…for his spirit came from an even greater power—the power of The American Character.”
Join my family and me as we come to understand why some called Norm Geisler rawboned and strong, a giant of a man eager to journey into the unknown and a man of creativity able to see potential and new possibilities when others could not.
To read an excerpt of An American Character: The Life and Times of Norman A. Geisler, Click Here.
Norma Heffron is a retired elementary and preschool teacher from Clermont, Florida, who began writing after discovering Writing Your Life classes offered at a senior center in Orlando. Motivated by these classes, her collection of family photos and memorabilia and her genealogical research, she began writing her father’s story.
Published by LifeStory Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9832382-5-6 – Copyright © Norma Heffron – November 2011, paperback, 221 pages
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