I do too! Join my closed, private Facebook group, Write Your Story in 2019, and let’s help each other.
I have a commitment to finish the first draft of my memoir this year, and I need your help.
Like most other authors, I struggle to write doing it by myself. I need you and your help to keep me accountable to my commitment, and I’d like to do the same for you.
I’m excited to introduce a new option for our Writing Your Life community. In the past, we’ve done seven-day writing challenges, but now, I’m offering a yearlong writing challenge, and it’s absolutely free.
I’ve launched a closed Facebook group, Write Your Story in 2019, which means access to it will not be public. Only group members will be able to post and read the comments of others. This group will cultivate a supportive, online community for those, like me, who are committed to writing consistently in 2019. Members of the group will provide each other with accountability and encouragement.
Remember, this is a private, closed Facebook group. All members must be accepted by Writing Your Life; your content will not be public.
Writing Your Life team members will share tips and tools of the writing craft and process while facilitating thought- and conversation-provoking content. We also plan to offer a monthly video conference where participants can check in about their writing progress, accomplishments, and struggles.