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Perfectly Still


The poems and prose of Perfectly Still were destined for the trashcan. But author Lezlie Laws says, “a slim folder of poems just kept hovering like a shy kitten on the periphery of the stacks of paper headed for the trash.” Out went class materials, student papers, course curricula, but this folder lingered, and thank God it did. Law says, “I found a version of myself I had rarely shared, and I realized I wasn’t quite ready to part with it. I found a tenderness and a vulnerability that I hoped might serve as guides to my next decade. I discovered notions soft and quiet, feelings of ease and acceptance.” May you feel the same in reading Laws’ amazing words.

Click on the link to hear Lezlie read the title poem, “Perfectly Still.”

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I could not throw away the material in this book although it was
my intention. I was purging file cabinets, crying as I pitched
decades of class materials, student papers, course curricula, and
various bits and bobs one collects after a half-century of teaching.
But it had to go. All of it. I wanted to clear space for new
ways of inhabiting this time of life.

As I tossed file folders into a trash bin, I let go of various
professional identities I had formed over my teaching career,
but a slim folder of poems just kept hovering like a shy kitten
on the periphery of the stacks of paper headed for the trash. In
that folder, I found a version of myself I had rarely shared, and
I realized I wasn’t quite ready to part with it. I found a tenderness
and a vulnerability that I hoped might serve as guides to
my next decade. I discovered notions soft and quiet, feelings of
ease and acceptance.

I like to think that in my best days as a teacher, I emboldened
my students to show their work—in class, in group workshops,
in small publications, in private collections, on stages,
and in life. In Perfectly Still, I take on my often-repeated advice.
And I also take courage from the many precious students I had
the pleasure of working with who let themselves be seen. My
deepest gratitude goes out to each of them.

LifeStory Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9832382-3-2 Copyright ©2023, paperback, 66 pages

Additional information

Weight .261 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .18 in