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Writing People and Places

Yes, Patricia! I want to learn how to make the people in my life as vivid on the page as they are in my memory and paint pictures of key places in my life. Walk me through the process and teach me how to make this happen. Give me all the People___Places_Bservices, proven tools, and resources in the Writing People and Places coaching program valued at more than $700. Writing People and Places is part of the See It Through! series, which includes

Writing People and Places is part of the See It Through! series, which includes Finish My Book in 90 Days and Edit Like an Expert.

In the Writing People and Places coaching program, you receive:

  • thirteen (13) or more training videos to help you write about the people and places of your life – video titles include:
    • Aids on Your Journey
    • Writing About People
    • Minor Characters
    • Let the People Speak
    • Writing Good Dialog
    • Punctuating Dialog
    • Not Just an Address
    • Set the Stage
    • Make a Scene
    • Showing (Not Telling) Emotion
    • Quiet the Critic
    • Slay the Dragon
    • Reading Like a Writer
  • three (3) live, group telephone calls where you ask questions and receive helpful answers (group program only)
  • one (1) one-on-one, half-hour coaching session where you get personalized assistance
  • exclusive access to an online community where you can post your stories, request feedback, ask questions, respond to fellow participants’ stories and comments
  • outlines, worksheets, handouts, and other written materials to complement the training modules
  • random notes of encouragement and writing tips to keep you on track
  • on-demand access to training modules to review at your leisure for six full months

The value of this program exceeds $700, but you pay less than one-quarter of that amount for this self-directed program at just $99.

If you’ve participated in any other Writing Your Life coaching programs—Finish My Book in 90 Days, Get Started—Write My Story, Edit Like an Expert, or Electronic Editing—contact Patricia at for a special code to receive an additional $30 discount for the Writing People and Places program.

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100% Money Back Guarantee

I am so confident that this program will help you write your life stories that I offer a complete money-back guarantee. Go through the first two weeks, participate fully, complete the assignments, and if this program does not help you improve your writing, then simply let me know, and I’ll refund your payment. That’s how confident I am that this program will help you accomplish your writing goals.