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Educated Chapters 23-25

By close reading of chapters 23-25 of Educated, we see additional turning points as Tara Westover becomes more of her own person. We see how she uses historical context and ends chapter twenty-four in a way that is sure to keep us reading. Share your insights in the comments section below.


  • Kelly Marie Dawson
    Posted November 25, 2020 at 6:09 pm

    Patricia, You share with me some great insights that I have looked over. As a reader and I writer I like the relationship with the 5 senses. I am an expressive person, and I hope to share the details of my writing through words. You continue to WOW me!! Thanks again for your wisdom. KMD

    • Post Author
      Posted November 30, 2020 at 10:55 am

      I’m am so glad these book videos are helping you. You are an expressive and sensual person, and that way of being will find it’s way into your writing. Have a great writing week.

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