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Educated Chapters 33-36

Tara Westover continues to write beautiful and informative descriptions in chapters 33-36 of her amazing book, Educated. We look at the short but effective ways she depicts people and places, incorporating senses of sight, sound, touch, and smell. Her journey to being her own person continues and culminates in a significant turning point.


  • beckymcg19
    Posted December 15, 2020 at 11:37 am

    Tara does a great job of building tension and explaining how she felt when she reached the point that she needed to just say NO to her father. It reminded me of a time where I had to say no and stand up to my dad. While the circumstances were different, it was a major turning point in my own life. She wrote with enough emotion that it brought up my emotions. I am really enjoying how well she can write in scene. It is a great example to follow.

    • Post Author
      Posted December 15, 2020 at 7:08 pm

      I agree. This scene is a great example of conflict, building tension, and resolution with a major turning point. Dads are difficult to say no to. I understand that one too, so it must have taken so much for her to do that. I’m glad her words took you to a similar place in your life.

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