Did you miss the free Get Started—Write My Story Teleseminar? Don’t worry! I recorded it so that you could have another chance to listen. Maybe you did participate in the call but want to remind yourself of some of the important tips and techniques I used to write my book, how to take that first step and what that first step might be, and how to give yourself a deadline which will keep you accountable.
During the call, I introduce two men who have written their stories and tell you about their very different writing processes, yet their very similar advice to writers like you. I also discuss how the Get Started—Write My Story program may be just the thing you need to accomplish your writing goals. Click here to print out an outline of the call that you can use to take notes as you listen.
To listen to the recording, click on the orange button in the box below, but do it this weekend. The recording will only be available until Monday at 6:00 p.m. before the program officially begins.
You may want to find out more about the Get Started –Write My Story program, especially since, as a teleseminar participant, you are eligible to receive a special program discount coupon code that will significantly reduce the program price from $147 to just $99! This is a fabulous discount considering, if I were to individually price each item contained in the program, it would easily go for more than $700
To get the special teleseminar price, enter the words writenow in the coupon code box, click on apply coupon, and you should see the price adjusted. The program comes with a 100% guarantee. If you participate fully in the first two weeks of the program and find out it’s not for you, I will refund your full $99, no questions asked. If you have any difficulties signing up, shoot me an email right after or call me at 321-279-1791.
Thank you for listening. I hope you hear something that will help you get started writing your story.