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Turning Points: Life’s Twists and Turns


We all experience turning points when change occurs, and life is never the same—for better or worse.

Some turning points emerge in a moment, like the Monaco Grand Prix’s serpentine curves in Norma Beasley’s story or the cloud formation in Darlene Lamb’s piece that spoke comfort.

Other turning points develop in sequence, like Julie Folkerts’ forty-five moves before high school graduation, or originate with improbable teachers like the students who educated Terry Deer. Some create lifelong shockwaves, like the polio virus that brought Thierry Lagarde hard-won freedom and strength.

All twenty-one stories in Turning Points: Life’s Twists and Turns—as told by authors in Life Writers, a membership built on community, instruction, and accountability—illustrate life before and after significant crossroads.

While the experiences all differ, as multi-award-winning author Patricia Charpentier states in her foreword, these writers’ “deep belief that their stories are important and should be written from the heart” will resonate as you read and consider your own Turning Points.

Read the Turning Points foreword by Patricia Charpentier.

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