Do you write about your family history? Isn’t it exciting when you discover a great story about one of your descendants? Isn’t it, also, frustrating when you can’t find any information about someone you’d like to know more about? Have you ever thought about what stories you are leaving (or not leaving) to your future relations?
Saturday, August 19th, I’m headed to Tampa to give a talk, Don’t Make Your Descendants Research You.
As genealogists, many of us focus our time and energy researching and writing about our ancestors and neglect to record our own lives. Be inspired and guided in writing your life story in this hands-on workshop that helps you commit to paper the story only you can tell.
The free talk focuses on the importance of writing your own story, so it is open to all, genealogists and non-genealogists alike. This free program goes from 10:30-noon at the John F. Germany Public Library (900 N. Ashley Dr. Tampa, Florida 33602-3704).
Give your descendants a gift. Do the work for them. I hope to see you there!
I wish I could join you for this one, I truly do. It’s a concept that had not crossed my mind. I shall now go about doing an “Introduction to Me” where I can give important dates and overviews. There are many things I can’t write about (most are too painful, some too embarrassing) but they should get a mention and perhaps this would be the place to do it. Thank you, once again, for the writing prompt!
Unfortunately I will be out of town on the 19th and will miss this! It’s true we often write about others in our families and neglect ourselves. Thanks for this reminder!
Linda A Miller
I am so frustrated that I can not come to this event! Finally you come back to my area and I have out of town guests that weekend…and we have plans on Saturday. I will miss your smiling face and the motivation that you always give me. Keep up the good work. Linda M