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Grasshopper Girl

finishmybooklogo-purple-smallerCongratulations to Laura Chase who just published her book, Grasshopper Girl: From Fear to Faith. Laura got the bulk of the writing for her book done, more than 60,000 words, in the Finish My Book in 90 Days coaching program and had this to say about the role it played in her accomplishment:

Finish My Book in 90 Days lifted my writing to a new level. The video lessons and weekly sharing calls helped me feel connected to a greater purpose. I wrote twice as much as I had in the previous two years. I highly recommend this course to all writers.

October_Newsletter_GrasshopperWay to go, Laura! I’m proud of you and so glad the program helped you reach your goal. If you’d like to read an excerpt of Laura’s book or purchase a copy, follow this link to Amazon: Grasshopper Girl by Laura Chase.



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