This Week’s Writing Prompt
Our first experience with death opens our awareness to a new concept: loss. Depending on the proximity of the loss, we may have felt profoundly heartbroken or a distant sadness. In any case, we quickly learned life is temporal. This intimate knowledge of loss, grief, and life’s fleeting nature shaped us deeply. We began to understand the sanctity of life.
Recall your earliest experience with death and write about your encounter with it.
- Whom did you lose: a family member, friend, beloved pet, or someone else?
- How did you learn about this death?
- In what way(s) did this loss impact you?
- How did you and others mourn this loss and celebrate the life lived?
- What did you learn about death and life as a result of this early experience?
Capture a moment or scene related to this encounter with death. Consider including dialogue, an interaction, your internal thought process, or a description of specific details of this memory. Be sure to show how you felt.