Video Two – Fall 2020
Not Just an Address
Why is it important to write about where your stories take place? It’s what happened that’s important, not where it happened, right? Not quite. In this video, I’ll discuss why it’s important to position your characters in a vivid setting. In fact, sometimes the setting might actually be a character in the story. Print the video outline and take notes as you watch.
Jennifer Paster
Hi, I had already submitted my first writing for the buddy review. As I listened to your video I was thinking about how I could have enhanced my setting more. Also, I like the idea that we can focus on part of a story. Thank you!
Kathy Ashton
Thanks for explaining about the importance of the setting in a story!
Lots of good info! The idea that setting/place is a container for my story motivates me to move beyond the hesitancy I have filling stories with descriptors that I would normally not consider key to the story (maybe I’ve written too many business memos). You emphasized this by talking about the importance setting has to establishing the mood you hope to set.
Although I put more “setting” in my current story than I would normally do, I hope to find ways to “have the characters in the story interact with the setting.” I may have to listen to your video again to see if you give any examples of how to best do this.
Kelly Marie Dawson
Great insight Vern. KMD
Etya Krichmar
I completely agree about the importance of setting in a story. Where I came from, we were taught to do so anytime we wrote a school assignments. The teachers of the USSR were fond of adjectives and they emphasized how the adjectives add to the story. Sometimes, they enhanced the beauty or the ugliness of the place. In my memoir the setting is the most important part of the book. Without describing the conditions, or surroundings I grew in, my stories would be lost. Thank you, Patricia, for this lesson. It is quite useful.
Kelly Marie Dawson
You have a great perspective. Thank you. KMD
Kelly Marie Dawson
Patricia, WOW!! You look stunning in this video. The color of blue you are wearing brings out your beautiful blue eyes. I appropriate your insight on how to become a better story teller. I will begin to develop the setting to engage my audience, the reader. Thank You!! KMD