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Fall 2012 Writing Marathon

Imagine this…a cool, fall breeze in your face, a front row seat on a beautiful Florida lake, the company of others who love to write, time set aside to put words on paper and a delicious potluck lunch. Now doesn’t that sound like a great time?

If so, join us for the Fall Writing Marathon, held on the shores of picturesque Lake Fairview in Orlando. The marathon is an expanded version of the popular First Saturday workshop. We’ll spend the day writing in response to a variety of prompts, share what we’ve written, enjoy a potluck lunch and leave with the beginnings of ten or more stories.

Cost for the full-day workshop, which runs from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., is $50 and includes light snacks. Click here to pay online and reserve your place. If you can only attend the morning session, that’s fine. To register and pay $25 for a half day, click here. Bring a covered dish to share and enjoy a relaxing picnic lunch overlooking Lake Fairview. Directions to this private clubhouse are provided at registration.

Space is limited, so sign up early. You can also reserve your spot by sending a check payable to Writing Your Life to P.O. Box 541527, Orlando, FL 32854.

To print out a flyer for this event, click here

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