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First Job

This Week’s Writing Prompt

Back when I was old enough to get a job, my dad’s friend, Lenny, offered to give me a summer position. Mr. Belair – that was what I had to call him – owned a business and he needed an office girl to do some of the grunt work. Sixteen, a first job, and I didn’t have a clue how to do anything in an office, but Mr. Belair quickly found something I could do. Stuff envelopes.

There’s more to this story, but right now, I’d like to hear your “first job” stories. Who hired you? What was he or she like? Describe what you did to earn your wages. What did you like most or least about your job? How did you feel when you received your first paycheck? Now, go and write your best memory of your very first job experience, and make sure to add lots of detail.

Share about your first job in the comments section below.

Ricki Aiello

Submitted by Ricki Aiello, VIP member, Life Writers

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