This Week’s Writing Prompt

One of my husband’s favorite pastimes is contemplating the sky’s shifting shapes and discerning images in the clouds. He sends me a picture and tells me what he sees. I may not make out the spaceship, alligator, or tyrannosaurus rex he so readily observes; I might see a lion. Part of the fun of cloud-watching is its subjectivity.
Recently, I heard a radio segment about The Cloud Appreciation Society. This group of cloud enthusiasts’ mission in life is to “fight the banality of ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. Life would be dull if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.”
Indeed, a clear blue sky is beautiful, but it will get just as old as eating cake every day.
Clouds, refered to by some as nature’s poetry and expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, are the subject of photographs, poems, and other artistic expressions, ranging from pure whimsy to deep and spiritual.
Tis true that clouds can sometimes shape our mind
And trick the eye with fleeting bogus play,
(especially of the animal kingdom kind).– Anthony Davis, member, The Cloud Appreciation Society
A cloudscape of mountains, dinosaurs, and giant hands shift quickly into another mysterious picture. We have only a moment to enjoy the scene. The fleeting nature of cloud arrangements reminds us life itself is ever-changing. If we don’t slow down and take a moment to soak it all in, we may miss something amazing.
- Slow down and spend a moment of your day with your head in the clouds.
- Write what you see and how it makes you feel.
- Let your imagination wander!
- Craft a narrative, scene, or short poem about your cloud-watching experience.
Share your response in the comments section below.