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Look who’s cruisin’ with us

I was born in New Jersey and graduated from Rollins College with a degree in English Literature. Always infatuated with radio, I spent the next year at Chapel Hill immersed in the U.N.C. Radio Department where I met my first husband.  This marriage ended in divorce but not before the birth of my wonderful daughter.  My second husband and I loved boats.  We owned an old Chris Craft Constellation and, in 1982, we joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary where we could get our fill.  We taught boating and navigation. My specialty was working with high school seniors who wished to attend the Coast Guard Academy.  n 1990, my husband died. I continued in the Auxiliary, finally retiring after 22 years. 

Five years ago I visited Mount Dora while on vacation from my home in New Jersey. I fell in love with the town and decided to buy a house.  Back home, I put my house on the market.  It sold in three days leaving me with the nearly impossible job of dispersing family things to family, keeping what I thought would fit in the new house, selling a great deal of furniture and smaller items and junking the rest—all in three months. Three of my little dogs died during this time. My last little cavalier, Molly, traveled happily in the car with me and loved nights in the motels with a new bed every night. 

My addiction is genealogy. It comes with lots of travel and research, especially in Scotland and England,   often with a new bed every night.  And the strangest bathrooms imaginable!

Patricia gave a talk at the University Club in Winter Park a year ago. She was fun and talented. I knew that writing my ancestor stories needed a fresh spin. So, here I am.