Here in Central Florida, we’re in the midst of a week of stormy weather. Every time it seems to be clearing up and giving us a reprieve, the clouds roll in again and there’s another storm. It’s great for those of us who suffer with seasonal allergies or love to sleep while it’s raining, but the unpredictable and tumultuous nature of these storms make things difficult — especially while trying to get around town in the midst of the mess. (I know someone who was caught in a hail storm while driving home yesterday!)
It made me think about weather as a source of memories: all of the blanket forts I built as a kid; the terrifying lightning storm my family drove past somewhere in Missouri on a summer road trip: the sky was dark orange, and the lightning cut across the sky like a huge fireworks display; getting caught in a deluge at a huge outdoor concert, and not being able to go anywhere or do anything about it.
As powerless as we feel in the midst of actual weather events, it’s also no surprise that stormy weather is somewhat a cliche metaphor for difficult and out-of-control times in our lives. Often, the clearing skies that follow are often equally significant.
This week, let’s write about weather in one of two ways:
Literally — Write about a memorable experience that involved severe weather. Getting caught in a storm. The feelings that accompanied it: fear, despair, humor, joy. Write about what happened when the storm was over, too.
Figuratively — Write about a memory where you felt completely caught up in a metaphoric storm, something chaotic or out of your control. Often these challenges in life come along with the side-effect of not being able to do anything except “wait it out”. Were there times where it felt as though the storm was clearing, only to have it return with even more fury? Describe, also, the feeling of relief once the storm had passed.