I am a West Virginia native, the great granddaughter of a slave and a Cherokee Indian. Having lost both parents by the age of three, my grandparents raised me. There are no siblings.
After earning an M.F.A. in art from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York, my career transitioned into textbook publishing, then continued into the digital publishing environment.
I’m an avid sports fan (basketball in particular), but also enjoy photography, writing, gardening, and traveling. Currently, I am the interim president of my community HOA, a long time member of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, and tutor reading to disadvantaged youth in the Orange County school system.
This year I am participating in SAC (School Advisory Council). The primary purpose of SAC is to assist the principal in developing a school improvement plan and evaluating the results of the plan in order to help students achieve success. SAC also advises the principal in the preparation of the school’s budget. SAC’s membership is comprised of teachers, parents, school staff, people in business/industry and other interested community members.
I now enjoy early retirement having devoted thirty-five years to making learning fun for kids at Harcourt Inc.