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Show, Tell, Write

A great crowd braved traffic and our early evening thunderstorms to participate in Show, Tell, Write Tuesday, September 20th at Infusion Tea. Sponsored jointly by Bookmark It bookstore and Writing Your Life, Show, Tell, Write combines a favorite part of childhood—the chance to share a treasured possession—learn a bit about writing, and practice these new skills, all while spending time with your neighbors and enjoying a flavorful cup of tea.

Register for the next Show, Tell, Write
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

August’s Show, Tell, Write group

Thanks in part to an awesome article in the College Park Community Paper by Teresa Bruce titled “Show and Tell Grows Up and Writes,” many new people found their way to Show, Tell, Write and shared heartwarming stories of both long ago and the recent past.

Jennifer showed us a figurine called the Hand of God, given to her by a student from Croatia that took on a special meaning years after she received the gift. Vicki showed us three, small gold coins from long ago that she loved to see when visiting her grandparents, the same coins her mother had mounted into a ring and earrings for her.

Terri shared her love of books and a lifelong desire to be a librarian by establishing a little, free library in her Altamonte Spring front yard. Lara showed us a pair of sunglasses she received while appearing as a contestant on The Price Is Right game show and winning a brand new car.

Beverly shows a reverse-glass painting
Beverly shows a reverse-glass painting

Jim showed us one of his many dream catchers made by Native Americans, which he places around his house. He said he’s had many dreams come true, so the dream catchers must work. Beverly gave us a look at a reverse-glass painting with a welcoming poem that hung by the front door of her childhood home. The problem was no one came in the front door; everyone entered through the back door.

Suzanne talking about her grandmother’s special cup
Suzanne talking about her grandmother’s special cup

Others shared stories of an adored Chihuahua named Bambi, a father’s book on how to learn Japanese, a sunshade carried all the way home from Europe only to find it didn’t fit American cars, a whale ashtray that began an eclectic collection of animal-inspired objects, a special cup from Cheshire, Ohio, and many more unique and wonderful treasures.

Once all stories were told, we learned about six-word memoirs, how to write them and use the structure to describe our valuables in a unique way.

Grab one of your prized possessions, old or new, and share it with us at Show, Tell, Write the third Tuesday of every month at Infusion Tea on Edgewater Drive from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Register in advance for the Tuesday, October 18th event and be guaranteed a chance to show your treasure and enjoy the evening in reserved seating.

If you’ve attended a Show, Tell, Write event before, tell us about your experience in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.

Show, Tell, Write is free and open to the public. No previous writing experience is required.

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