Don’t miss poet and author, Richard Blanco, at the Winter Park Writers Festival at Valencia College this Friday, September 30th.
First a civil engineer and poet-on-the-side, Richard Blanco became more widely known in 2012 when he was selected to write a poem for Barack Obama’s second presidential inauguration. The youngest poet ever chosen as a U.S. inaugural poet, he is also the first Latino, the first immigrant, and the first openly gay person.
His poem, “One Today,” referenced his Cuban immigrant parents who worked as grocery clerks and sugar cane harvesters. Blanco has, since, written a memoir, The Prince of los Cocuyos: a Miami Childhood, that delves more deeply into his parent’s lives and his childhood. Learn more about this memoir in the September newsletter’s book review.
Blanco will speak about healing through writing, which I think is a pertinent and important subject for us all, especially in the wake of the Pulse massacre.
The first workshop begins at 4:00 p.m. and includes writing prompts, sharing opportunities, and a Q&A. At 5:30 p.m. a community healing event will include spoken word and remembrances. Finally, at 7:00 p.m., Blanco will give a reading and talk about community healing through writing with a book signing to follow.
All events are free and open to the public, but seats must be reserved. Click here to reserve a seat or click here for more important event details.