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Wednesday Writing Prompt: Me and My Pony

Have you ever hopped a ride on one of these? This wonderful rocking horse is only one of the many items that will lead you down memory lane in the Mementos and MemoriRocking Horse at Wonderful Things by Kimes workshop on Sunday, August 18th at Wonderful Things by Kim, a fantastic collectibles shop in Longwood.

Kim came across this trusty steed at an estate sale in Mt. Dora. It had been built with great care by a gentleman as a gift for his first grandson. The happy horse sports leather ears and a rope tail, and no doubt, was a little boy’s best friend.

So what about you? Do you have a horse in your childhood? Did you own a wooden rocking horse like this or maybe one on a stand with springs on which you could bounce off into the sunset? Or did you ride a stick pony around your neighborhood, making it safe from the bad guys? Maybe you were one of those kids I dreamed about who had a “real” horse.

Regardless of the flavor, write about a horse of some sort you enjoyed as a child and tell about your adventures with your faithful companion. Set the timer for ten minutes. Go.

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