We’re all about shopping and presents and family get-togethers and food right now, so you probably aren’t thinking much about writing. You’re too busy making the memories you’ll write about later.
Well, here’s the perfect plan to get back in the writing groove after the first of the year: Writing Your Life’s world famous Free Seven-Day Writing Challenge. It really is world famous; I’m not just making that up. In past challenges, more than one thousand people have participated from all fifty states of the US and at least ten countries.
The Free Writing Challenge begins Monday, January 18th and concludes Sunday, January 24th. Every day of that week, you will receive a prompt designed to trigger memories. You can write your response, post it in the private challenge forum, read fellow writers’ comments, and join in the international discussion.
This is one of Writing Your Life’s most popular events, and now is the time to reserve your place at the writing table. The challenge is absolutely free, but you do need to register to access the prompts when they become available.
Share the challenge with your friends, writing group, neighbors, students, anyone you think might be interested. It’s easy to share. Just tell them to go to FreeWritingChallenge.com to read more and sign up.
I look forward to writing with you in the new year.
1 Comment
Oh please! You do not want me to speak my mind!
Seriously, I love the seven day writing challenge. It gets my brain digging, and my fingers pecking away. Thank you for bringing it back!