On Friday morning, I had the great privilege of delivering a newly published book to a client. My husband Bob helped me transfer thirteen boxes of Lest I Forget: The Wagner Family, Pioneers of Trellis Bay, Beef Island, BVI from the backseat of my car to the living room of the author, Mabel Wagner. Even…

What do you see in this title? A brief description of the writing process? Yes, but what else? All the words end in ing? Right. So, what?I love ing words. They often help create a rhythm and a cadence that is pleasing to my ear. They move my sentences merrily along in a babbling brook…

You know the feeling. You show up to your writing table at the appointed time. You have a steaming cup of coffee or tea ready to assist you with the flow of words onto the page. Your writing tools are present and accounted for. You’re ready to write.
Then, nothing. Silence. No happy hum of…

Thirteen members participated in the Write Your Life Story – The Basics workshop on Saturday, September 8th. Click here to see photographs of the event.
We began the day with a writing exercise everyone used to introduce themselves and talk more about what motivates them to put words to paper. Some said they write in hopes…

I’m a crier. Anyone who has been around me for a bit knows that. When something touches my heart, my eyes fill with tears, and I start looking for a tissue. All of my students are well acquainted with this trait of mine, and two of them, Sue and June, even bought me a large…

On Thursday, September 20th at 7:00 p.m., come learn everything you ever wanted to know about the Writing the Waves cruise. The travel agent organizing our trip on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas will be on hand to tell us about the ship, its ports of call, travel arrangements and so forth, and I'll…

Set aside Sunday, October 21st for an excursion to inspect Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas at Port Canaveral. A motor coach will pick us up in Orlando and drive us to the ship where a Royal Caribbean representative will meet us and give us a tour of this wonderful vessel.
Next, we'll enjoy a…

Preparation for the Writing the Waves cruise in May 2013 is traveling full speed ahead with people reserving their spots at the writing table and selecting from the best cabins available. Don’t miss the boat. (Sorry about all the nautical puns. I couldn’t help myself.)
If you’d like to know more about the cruise and…

Last week in South Louisiana, I had a pleasant surprise when Mary Prudhomme came by to visit. Mary has been my parents’ next door neighbor for years. She and her husband Blue raised their two daughters, Chris and Sue, in the house down the street from our home.
Once I moved to Florida, I didn’t see…

After the First Saturday Writing Workshop a couple of days ago, new Writing Your Life class member Bruce asked a question I hear often: Is it better to write by hand or on a computer?
I gave him a strong, qualified answer: Well, it depends. And it does. It depends on what works best for you.…